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How Pilates Supports Recommended Exercise Guidelines

Man in black clothes on his back doing Pilates

Pilates exercises are 100 percent effective at building and maintaining strength and mobility and enhancing overall well-being. Learning and practicing Pilates promotes long-term health and fitness; complements recreational and competitive athletic conditioning; helps with recovery from injuries; and can support management of chronic, congenital or acute conditions including symptoms of neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis.

In 2024, learning Pilates exercises is universally available for free. People can learn mat Pilates for free with a library book or by watching videos on the Internet. As its popularity and availability has grown, many people also learn Pilates in group fitness classes with and without equipment, or practice Pilates in private or semi-private training sessions with a qualified teacher.


We recommend Pilates as part of an exercise program that meets or exceeds recommended guidelines for adults including:

  • at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise plus two strength training sessions a week


  • at least 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise plus two strength training sessions a week


Depending on your age, current fitness level and experience, and how fast a class is taught, a mat Pilates class is moderate intensity exercise and also part of strength training


The great thing about Pilates is that it plays well with others: when you practice Pilates, you improve your performance in other sports and activities. The reverse is true: any training and exercise habits are assets to your Pilates work and give you "more information to work with" on the mat or in the studio. 


For example, if you play golf, tennis, or basketball, you probably have a dominant side and movement patterns created by one-sided movements in your swing and shots. Pilates exercises train your body through all planes of motion in both unilateral (one-sided) and bilateral (both sides at the same time) movement. Over time, you feel more balanced in your body and bring more control and strength to other activities.

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